
Spotlight on New York Based Baseball Industry Powerhouse Enterprises

New York, often described as a city that never sleeps, is undoubtedly a hotspot for the innovative and dynamic business terrain. Many companies thrive here, particularly in the Baseball industry. In this series, we zoom in on the various companies operating in the Baseball space that have their headquarters nestled in the hustling city of New York. Take a journey with us as we explore their different contributions to the Baseball and Sports industry at large.

From esport training platforms stirring a revolution in the customer experience to associations that have established baseball as a global game, these companies are steadily marking a difference in their respective sectors. We will delve deeper into each company’s core operations, providing useful information about their founders, some background story, and how you can connect with them online.

So, whether you are looking to glean more knowledge, scouting for opportunities in the Baseball space, or looking to enjoy the sport from a newbie’s perspective, this article is your guide. Get ready to uncover some home runs!

Monsterful VR

Founded by Jarett Sims, Monsterful VR is an innovative product company that creates best-in-class VR training platforms for both professional and amateur ranks. They also build and launch immersive sensory entertainment activations while partnering with brands at sports, hospitality, and retail venues. Connect with them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Major League Baseball – (MLB)

The MLB is the oldest professional sports league in the United States and consists of 30 member clubs. It is the best-attended sport in North America and is led by Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. You can connect with them on their website, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

The Frederick Keys

The Frederick Keys is a baseball team that also offers recreational and sports activities. Connect with them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Staten Island Entertainment

Staten Island Entertainment conducts a stadium that hosts baseball, concerts, and community entertainment along with family-friendly festivals. Connect with them on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Founded by Alex Kaganovsky, the FFPC operates in the Fantasy Sports, Media and Entertainment, and Sports sector. You can connect with them on Twitter and Facebook.

New York Empire Baseball

With a focus on Baseball and Sports, New York Empire Baseball contributes significantly to the industry. Connect with them on LinkedIn.

S.A.F.E. in Harlem

S.A.F.E. in Harlem is an after-school, student-led coalition that promotes abstinence from substance misuse. They offer conference and anti-drug initiatives. Link up with them on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Written by Sam Hyme

I have over 13 years experience in the sports industry. I specialise in analytical frameworks for sports performance.

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